Dr Cate Banks

Dr Cate Banks, Family Dispute

Resolution Practitioner

Cate is the owner and principal of RESOLUTIONS, an organisation that has been established by her to find real solutions for people in any form of conflict or disagreement.


Cate is a highly experienced and dedicated alternative dispute resolution practitioner. She has has actively conducted more than 600 mediations in a variety of areas including family and relationships, parenting matters, workplace, community, neighbourhood, restorative justice, community conferencing, commercial and debt and residential tenancy. She works with a range of people including parents, couples, families, individuals, children and youth, schools, neighbours, community members, traders, contractors.

Cate is an active and committed community member and is associated with a number of organisations. Cate is currently the President of the Management Board of the Ipswich Women’s Centre Against Domestic Violence, a sitting member of the NEWMA (animal ethics) UQ, a member of the pro bono mediation panel at Queensland Public Interest Law Clearing House and an active volunteer and pro bono mediator with Catholic Prison Ministry.

Articles written by Dr Cate Banks for SingleMum.com.au

Identifying domestic violence

Mediation and Domestic Violence

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