Amazing ad campaign every little and big girl should see!

Amazing ad campaign every little and big girl should see!

Single Parenting

Amazing ad campaign every little and big girl should see! | 01 July 2014
How does your daughter behave, when told to act “like a girl”?

When we first saw this Youtube of an advertising campaign, we just had to share – the message is a strong one, particularly for young girls – what do you think of, when you are told to do something “like a girl?”

Sometimes, we are brought up to believe that girls are the weaker sex – that what we do perhaps isn’t as effective – that our actions, defined by our very gender, should be demoralised, demeaned with three simple words – “like a girl”

Watch this Youtube – show it to your daughters – it will help reinvent this put-down – help protect them for the future, help them rediscover their pride in themselves, and assist in building their self-esteem – because being and acting like a girl, is not just ok – but mighty!

Don’t forget to share when you’ve finished watching! – proud to be #likeagirl

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