single mother accommodation support australian capital territory

Single Mother Accommodation Support Directory

Australian Capital Territory Accommodation Support

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single mother accommodation support australian capital territory
Australian Capital Territory Government – Housing & Community Services ACT
Housing & Community Services ACT is a division of the Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services. The area is responsible for the provision of public housing and community services in the Territory
single mother accommodation support australian capital territory
Australian Capital Territory – The St Vincent de Paul Society
Located in Canberra, Family Services is a large service providing outreach and supported accomodation for as many as 60-80 families in the Canberra region, who are currently homeless or at the risk of homelessness. Our main focus is on the safety, wellbeing, and development of children experiencing homelessness. Our only criteria for entry is that there is involved at least one dependant child under the age of 18 in majority care of the parent/s

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