single mother accommodation support new south wales

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New South Wales Accommodation Support

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single mother accommodation support new south wales
New South Wales Government – Housing NSW
Housing NSW provides long-term subsidised rental housing through three sectors, commonly known as social housing:

Public Housing – Housing NSW directly manages approximately 130,000 properties
Community Housing – Housing NSW provides more than 13,000 properties through community housing providers
Aboriginal Housing – Housing NSW manages more than 4,100 properties on behalf of the Aboriginal Housing Office

single mother accommodation support new south wales
NSW – Western Sydney – Women and Dependant Children Mental Illness Program
Charmian Clift Cottages offer stable supported accommodation for homeless women living with a mental illness and their dependant children. The facility also provides information, advocacy and referrals. Ongoing support is provided for ex-residents and their children once they move into the broader community

Charmian Clift Cottages
PO Box 64, Doonside NSW 2767
Hours: 24 hours support, 7 days a week
Tel: (02) 8882 4000
Fax: (02) 9831 1995

For further information, go to The Richmond Fellowship of New South Wales website

single mother accommodation support new south wales
New South Wales – City of Sydney Homelessness Services
The City of Sydney has a dedicated Homelessness Unit. Services provided include the Homeless Persons Information Centre (HPIC), a telephone information and referral service that refers those in the community who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness, to the services that may assist them
single mother accommodation support new south wales
New South Wales – NSW Women’s Refuge Movement Resource Centre
The WRM is a network of 53 women’s refuges situated across New South Wales providing support and accommodation for women and children escaping domestic violence
single mother accommodation support new south wales
New South Wales – Southern Youth and Family Services IHP
IHP is an outreach service providing affordable medium to long term housing to young people between the ages of 18 and 23. The accommodation varies, but includes furnished and unfurnished bed-sits and one bedroom single occupancy flats, through to furnished and unfurnished three bedroom flats and houses. The service supports couples and young people with children

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