single mother child abuse support teenagers


Child Abuse Support Directory

Support for Teenagers

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Teenagers Child Abuse Support – National

National – Kids Helpline for Teens
Kids Helpline is a free 24 hour counselling service for Australian kids and young people aged 5-25 years. You can get help over the phone, email or web. Call 1800 55 1800 anytime for any reason

National – Bravehearts
This page is for young people who may know someone who has been sexually assaulted, or who have been themselves.
What is sexual assault? Sexual assault is any form of sexual behaviour that you do not want or that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you are in crisis please call 1800 114 474 and ask to speak to one of our qualified sexual assault counsellors during business hours. If the counsellors are in session, they will return your call as soon as possible. For after hours assistance please call Kids Help Line (1800 55 1800) or Lifeline (13 11 14)

National – Bursting the Bubble
Information for teenagers about abuse, domestic violence, family violence. This website helps teenagers to work out what’s okay in a family and what’s not. It tells them what they can do if someone in their family is hurting or abusing them or another member of their family

National – ChatFirst
A child-centred website for separated parents and their children developed by the Children and Families in Transition Project. This link goes directly to the teens section explaining abuse

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