Media Call Out
Seeking single mums
Kidspot | Posted 31-03-2015 11:00 AM
Call Out open from 31st – 31st March 2015
Hi there,
I’d like to speak to a single mum who’s worried about the potential introduction of the Centrelink Eftpos card: what would it mean for your family (particularly buying things like school excursions, items from Gumtree etc). I’d ideally like you to be happy to use your real name and photo. Would involve a chat on the phone for around half an hour or so and then a few emails back and forwards to follow up. Thank you!
DEADLINE – 31-03-2015 3:30 PM
How to respond/register your interest in this Media Call-Out…
1. “Like” or “Tweet” this page (below)
2. Fill out the Media Call-Out Response form here (NOW CLOSED) by the above deadline date.
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