Media Call Out
Seeking parents
in Sydney and Melbourne | 10 November 2012
DEADLINE – 16 November 2012
Seeking parents in Sydney and Melbourne
to attend upcoming 1-2 hour workshops, an online platform that connects citizens with people in power, is looking for 20-25 parents to attend upcoming 1-2 hour workshops to be held in Sydney and Melbourne.
These workshops are designed to prepare interested parents in online campaigning for a forum being run by OurSay and FaHCSIA (Department of Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Australians).
The forum allows everyday Australians to post and vote for questions that will be answered by the Hon. Jenny Macklin, Minister for Families. On the back of the incoming School Kids Bonus, Minister Macklin is using the OurSay platform to hear your ideas & concerns about how FaHCSIA can best support families in the future.
The Workshops are to be held on:
- Melbourne – 24th November
- Sydney – 25th November
Please respond/register your interest by filing in the
Registration of Interest form by 16th November and a formal eventbrite invitation will be sent to your email address