SEPARATED MOTHERS – An opportunity to tell your story. All data de-identified
We are seeking to interview Australian separated mothers who meet (or have recently met) the following criteria:
• You resided with your former partner
• You have at least one biological child with your former partner who has lived with you, the mother, most of the time
• The father established a new union and resides with a minimum of one step-child or biological child with his new partner
• Contact between the child and father from your original family has decreased
If you would like to participate or would like further information, please contact Heather by phoning 0407 900 973 or emailing
Please share with any friends or family who may be eligible to participate.
Contact details
Researcher: Heather Williams 0407 900 973
Supervisor: Dr Bronwyn Harman
Edith Cowan University Psychology Ethics subcommittee has approved this study (2020- 01279-Williams)