Two Birthday Cakes by Danielle Jaku-Greenfield


Two Birthday Cakes
by Danielle Jaku-Greenfield
Illustrated by Lindi Greenfield

Sydney Mediation Partnership

This simple yet effective children’s self-help book is the brainchild of Australians Danielle Jaku-Greenfield and Nicky McWilliam, Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners and co-founders of Sydney Mediation Partnership, with the first book in the series being written by Danielle.

In the course of her work, Danielle recognised that there was a real need for a book written from a child’s perspective to help introduce newly-separated children to shared parenting.

Parents can even pick up a tip or two when reading this book to their child, with gentle reminders to be cooperative with their ex-partner, and ensure that the children are given their own sense of belonging and security no matter where they are living.With charming illustrations by Lindi Greenfield that the kids can even colour in, this book leads children from the upset of their former unhappy family life to a better place where everyone is more settled and things are still okay – even if they are very different.

Two Birthday Cakes by Danielle Jaku-Greenfield is priced at $19.99, and available from Amazon.

About the Author

Danielle Jaku-Greenfield, BMedia LLM FDRP, is a writer, lawyer, mediator, lecturer and mother, and co-founder of Sydney Mediation Partnership with Nicky McWilliam, Facilitators, Mediators and Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners.

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