Centrelink Coronavirus payments – what single parents get – & when!

Centrelink Coronavirus payments - what single parents get - & when!


Get ready for the second wave of government Coronavirus payments –  there are two new main payments –  but who is eligible for what? 

Centrelink Coronavirus Supplement for single parents

This is a worrying time for single parents, when every dollar counts. Many single mums receiving welfare benefits – in particular the Centrelink Parenting Payment for singles and Newstart (now known as the Jobseeker Payment) –  are struggling with social distancing, self isolation , homeschooling , supermarket abuse and the availability of household items. 

Coronavirus pandemic- single mum and child in masks

Many single mums are also expressing confusion and worry over possible changes to custody arrangements – and you can read more about how Coronavirus affects child custody here.

Newstart recipients will be relieved to hear of a significant increase to the Newstart rate, even if it is just a temporary measure.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison

New Centrelink Coronavirus (COVID-19) stimulus payments to help ease the financial burden were recently announced by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

The latest Centrelink payments – who gets what?

Use our quick-reference table below to work out which new COVID-19 Australian Government Centrelink stimulus payments you are eligible for…

CORONAVIRUS COVID19 - who gets the Centrelink $750 and $550 stimulus payments

The first $750 Centrelink payment is now being rolled out

The first of two separate one-off Economic Support Payments of $750 to Centrelink eligible welfare recipients is currently being progressively paid out this week to over 6.5 million Australians.

Centrelink Coronavirus Payments

A new $550 Coronavirus Supplement

The Australian Government via Centrelink will pay a temporary fortnightly $550 Coronavirus Supplement if you’re getting an eligible payment.

Who is eligible for the Coronavirus Supplement?

Eligible Centrelink payments include Parenting Payment Single, Newstart (Jobseeker Payment), Parenting Payment Partnered, Youth Allowance, Sickness Allowance, Partner Allowance, Special Benefit, Farm Household Allowance, Youth Allowance, Austudy and ABSTUDY.

How much is the new Coronavirus Supplement?

The Coronavirus Supplement will be an extra $550 a fortnight on top of your normal payment rate.

When will the $550 Coronavirus Supplement be paid?

You don’t need to do anything. It will be  automatically paid from 27 April 2020.

How long will the Coronavirus Supplement be paid for?

The new $550 supplement will continue to be paid each fortnight, provided you are eligible, for up to 6 months.

Is the $550 Coronavirus Supplement taxable?

Yes, the Coronavirus Supplement is taxable.

Centrelink Coronavirus payments - what single parents get - & when!

The second $750 Economic Support Payment

Centrelink will pay a second $750 Economic Support Payment if you’re getting an eligible payment or have an eligible concession card on 10 July 2020.

Can I get the second $750 payment in addition to the $550 supplement?

No, you cannot receive the second $750 payment  if you are eligible to receive the $550 Coronavirus Supplement. 

You should get the second $750 Centrelink payment if you were (and remain) eligible for the first Economic Support Payment, and are NOT eligible to receive the Coronavirus Supplement.

When will the second $750 Economic Support payment be paid?

The second $750 Centrelink payment will be paid from 13 July 2020

Coronavirus mother

What about Family Tax Benefit (FTB) recipients?

FTB recipients who are NOT eligible for the $550 Coronavirus Supplement (if they are not also receiving Newstart or Parenting Payment which makes them eligible for the Coronavirus Supplement, for example), should be eligible for the second $750 Economic Support Payment.

What about the Disability Support Pension?

Disability Support Pension recipients are not eligible for the $550 Coronavirus Supplement, however they are eligible for the second $750 Economic Support Payment.

What about Carers Payment?

Carer Payment recipients are not eligible for the $550 Coronavirus Supplement, however they are eligible for the second $750 Economic Support Payment.

If I have a debt with Centrelink or the ATO, will they take my Coronavirus payments to pay it?

No,  you will receive the full amount regardless of any debt or Robodebt you may have with Centrelink or the ATO.

Do I still need to Report income to Centrelink for Newstart or ParentsNext as I normally do?

Yes, whilst Mutual Obligation requirements are currently suspended (until 27 April 2020), reporting income on your normal fortnightly date is still necessary to receive your usual Centrelink welfare benefits.

Some parents are finding their normal income reporting prompt is not appearing in the Centrelink app. Read our article here to find out how you can Report online immediately .

Centrelink Crisis Payments

Crisis Payments may also be available to you if you need to self-isolate, are in severe financial hardship and are eligible for an income support payment.

How much is the Centrelink Crisis Payment?

Crisis Payment is a one off payment equal to a week’s pay of your existing income support payment rate.

New Centrelink welfare applicants

Ordinary waiting periods for new Centrelink payment applicants are also being waived under many circumstances  – new Centrelink welfare payment applicants should apply online as per usual.

Australian Government Coronavirus Helpline

Coronavirus helplines

Australian Government Coronavirus Health Information Line: 1800 020 080, 24 hours, 7 days. 

For further details regarding all of the above, please go to the Human Services website here .

Singlemum.com.au Staff Writers

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