Has the government declared war on stay at home mums?

Has the government declared war on stay at home mums?

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Expert Opinion Panel
Jason Bryce – Business & Finance Specialist

Has the government declared war

on stay at home mums?

Morrison denies discrimination as mothers reject government reforms…

By Jason Bryce | 11 May 2015

…single income families’ Family Tax Benefits slashed

to pay for child care benefits for working parents

The government is facing a storm of criticism about its family support priorities.

The Minister for Social Services, Scott Morrison, has denied that his new child care and family tax benefit policies discriminate against single parents or parents staying at home to care for kids.

“What do you have against stay at home mums?” Channel Nine’s Lisa Wilkinson asked Morrison on the Today show.

“All mums work hard,” said Morrison “Every single mum works hard.”

“Two-thirds of families are double income now.”

Two government senators have publicly objected to the proposed child care changes. Queensland LNP Senator Matt Canavan said he was disappointed there is nothing for parents who stay at home to care for children.

Terese Edwards, NCSMC
Terese Edwards, NCSMC

NSW National Party senator John Williams noted that stay at home parents would lose under this policy. Williams said there is nothing wrong with “parents rearing their children.”

An online opinion poll by the National Council of Single Mothers and their Children has found 89 per cent of respondents don’t like Morrison’s proposals. Less than six per cent of the 138 survey participants said they agreed with Scott Morrison’s policy proposals.

Morrison proposes that parents who stay at home to care for their kids and single income families will have their Family Tax Benefits slashed to pay for more generous child care benefits for working parents. And Paid Parental Leave will also be scaled back, costing 80,000 parents some or all of their government PPL payments.

Terese Edwards, Chief executive officer of the National Council of Single Mothers and their Children said she welcomes extra investment in child care but not when it is paid for “from the pockets of those who can least afford to lose a cent from their meagre weekly budget.”

“We cannot support a proposition that could result in families losing their family payments,” said Terese.

“How could a family rejoice in greater access to child care if they cannot afford to clothe, house or pay for the utilities to keep their child warm at night?”

Jason Bryce
Business & Finance Journalist

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Jason is a business and finance journalist with 20 years experience, and is also a member of the SingleMum.com.au Expert Opinion Panel. He has a regular weekly column in the Sunday Mail (Brisbane) and writes regularly for the Business Daily section of the Herald Sun in Melbourne and many other newspapers and magazines.

Jason’s personal website is www.centrelinknews.com.au

Keep up to date with the latest Centrelink news and information at Jason’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/centrelinknews

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