The best of the Australian single mum Facebook support group
Recently in our Single Mum Facebook group a mum asked –
How do you meet anyone normal for dating…those dating apps are full of sex-crazed guys that only want one night stand or sexual relationships that go nowhere at all… This is so frustrating!
The group moderators and group members agree that the following reply was right on the money – what do you think? Tell us in the comments below!
This Single Mum support group reply 👏
After watching the show catfish a lot and not wanting to waste my own time with dating apps, I have made some strict criteria to cull a lot of them quickly.

Photos of their car/ motorbike
Only group photos
Photos of them topless
Photos of them with their kid or someone else’s kid
Photos of them in bed
Photo of them holding a fish
Ask for Snapchat details
Use a Snapchat filter in their photos
Call you Milf/ babe straight away
Put x at end of every message
In their bio have this emoji 😈
Have a terrible pick up line
Brag about how good a person they are
Sound too good to be true
Can’t hold a conversation, don’t ask questions back

Hope this might help others too navigate the dating world!
Lysh Holmes
Single mum, and member of the Australian Single Mum Support Facebook Group
So what do you think? Do you have any dating app warning signs to add? Comment them here, below!
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