Where can ill single mums get help? Got COVID? Note down these free support services

Sick single mums need help

Single mums with COVID may find themselves incapable of caring for their child or themselves

Sick single mums need help

As single parents we know many factors surrounding illness and Covid in the family are often much more complicated and challenging than they are for a two-parent family.

Single mums are the head of the household, so all responsibilities usually fall squarely on their shoulders – but what happens if that mum is incapacitated by illness?

Struggling day to day when you or your child is ill is often a big worry at the forefront of a single mum’s mind. Especially when many mums are not being told – or are unaware – of certain systems already in place to support and help single parents.

One of our legendary single mum support group moderators has realised many mums simply don’t know that support is available for them! She’s put together this comprehensive state-by-state list of support services available to single mums in their time of need…

A sick single mum with a baby to care for can be so hard
A sick single mum with a baby to care for can be so hard

National websites & support


The government’s own health website, Health.gov.au Have many resources that you may not be aware of. You’ll find relevant information for each state outlining help – from food relief, to support and even Family Domestic Violence.

COVID@Home can also provide support and respite for single parents through the Covid Hotlines for each state. Whether your child has covid and you need a rest, or you have Covid and need additional support to care for your children. Support can include food relief, medicines and extra comfort and support for you and your Child/ren. At times, even respite can be arranged if you are unable to care for yourself or your child. Additional support is also provided if needed for Domestic Violence.

Family and Domestic Violence

Call 000 if you are in danger

1800RESPECT (sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service)

Phone: 1800 737 732 available 24 hours a day 7 days a week

Website: www.1800respect.org.au

It can be so hard to care for yourself when sick, especially if you have kids
It can be so hard to care for yourself when sick, especially if you have kids

State-by-state support for single mums


Victorian Government COVID Support

Getting help | Coronavirus Victoria

24/7 Coronavirus Hotline: 1800 675 398

Relief payments available

Sick Pay Guarantee: The Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee provides up to 38 hours of sick and career’s pay to Victorian casual and contract workers in certain jobs. You can complete an application form at: https://www.vic.gov.au/sick-pay-guarantee

Mental health and wellbeing

If you’re having a difficult time or are feeling overwhelmed, you can see these resources or call 1300 375 330 to get support through your local Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub. In an emergency where there is immediate risk of harm to a person, call Triple Zero (000). For 24-hour crisis support, call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Food relief, emergency accommodation and Support

Food and essential item relief packages

Family and Domestic Violence

Call 000 if you are in danger (also see national help lines listed above)

Safe steps

Safe steps are 24/7 family and domestic support for Victorians.                           

If you or someone you know is experiencing or are afraid of family and domestic violence, you can contact Safe steps for support by phone, email or web chat.
Phone: 1800 015 188    

They are open every day of the year, including public holidays.

A sick family with no back up is so hard to cope with alone
A sick family with no back up is so hard to cope with alone

New South Wales

NSW Government COVID Support

National Coronavirus Helpline
1800 020 080 (24-hour help)

Food relief and financial support

Financial support for individuals and households | Service NSW

Food charities

OzHarvest: www.ozharvest.org/food/receive-food-indivduals/

Phone: 02 9516 38 77

Foodbank: www.foodbank.org.au/

Phone: 02 9756 3099

Email:  office@foodbanknsw.org.au/

Secondbite: https://www.secondbite.org/

Anglicare emergency assistance: www.anglicare.org.au/what-we-offer/food-and-financial-assistance/help-with-food/

St Vincent de Paul food services: www.vinnies.org.au/page/find_Help/NSW/Food/

Phone: 13 18 12

Salvation Army Emergency Relief Team: 1300 371 288

Mental health & additional support

NSW Health Public Unit – For all enquiries for additional support for mental health, extra care for help and non-urgent medical needs.

Phone: 1300 066 055

Family and Domestic Violence

Call 000 if you are in danger (also see national help lines listed above)

NSW government Domestic Violence support

Website: https://www.facs.nsw.gov.au/domestic-violence

Phone: 1800 656 463

Seek out services that are there to support mums
Seek out services that are there to support mums

Northern Territory

NT Government COVID Support

Food relief and emergency support

DSS Grants Service Directory

Food relief can be found through this link DSS Grants Service Directory of a number of helpful services.

Mental Health and Wellbeing


You may want to access TeamTALK if:

You don’t have many people or anyone you can talk to; you feel disconnected and isolated
You simply want a neutral and confidential ‘sounding board’ to discuss some of your concerns, such as loss of job, business or other
You feel that you are increasingly stressed, and at risk of mental illness or relapsing
You want some assistance with practical strategies to cope in these difficult times.

Phone:  1800 832 600
Anytime between 8am and 8pm seven days a week

Family and Domestic Violence

Call 000 if you are in danger (also see national help lines listed above)


Tasmanian Government COVID Support

You can call the Tasmanian Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738 and a staff member will help direct you to the services you need.

Emergency relief support | Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

Emergency relief services are delivered by community organisations, providing immediate financial and other support to people in financial crisis.

The type of assistance offered by each organisation varies, however may include one-off assistance such as:

food, transport or chemist vouchers
part-payment of utility account/s
food parcels or clothing
budgeting assistance
referrals to other services that help to address underlying causes of financial crisis.

COVID@home program | Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

Food relief

Food relief:

Emergency food relief | Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

COVID-19 Update food support services | Devonport City Council

Family and Domestic Violence

Call 000 if you are in danger (also see national help lines listed above)


Queensland Government COVID Support

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Hotlines for available support (www.qld.gov.au)

Food relief and support

Emergency Relief Program | Community support | Queensland Government 

Website: https://www.qld.gov.au/community/cost-of-living-support/emergency-relief-program

Family and Domestic Violence

Call 000 if you are in danger (also see national help lines listed above)

DVConnect Womensline

Phone: 1800 811 811

South Australia

SA Government COVID Support

Care and support | SA.GOV.AU: COVID-19

Website: https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/health-community/care-and-support

SA COVID-19 Testing Isolation Payment

A single payment of $300 available for eligible people who need to quarantine while awaiting a COVID-19 test result.

You (or someone you care for) must meet all the following criteria. You must have:

undertaken a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) COVID-19 test
been required to self-isolate (according to SA Health guidelines) pending the test result

In addition, you must:

have been scheduled to work during the period of self-isolation
have no access to paid leave or other income support
be an Australian citizen or permanent resident, or a holder of necessary visa and work permits (temporary visa holders and international students)
be aged 17 years or over during the period of self-isolation.

To check your eligibility and to apply, complete the Online application form.

If you need assistance, call 8226 2500.

Food relief

St Vincent de Paul

Phone: 1300 729 202

Website: vinnies.org.au

Family and Domestic Violence

Call 000 if you are in danger (also see national help lines listed above)

Western Australia 

WA Government COVID Support

WA COVID Care at Home (healthywa.wa.gov.au)

Website: https://www.healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/A_E/Coronavirus/Managing-COVID19-at-home-and-in-the-community/WA-COVID-Care-at-Home

Food Relief


Website: https://waconnect.org.au/food/

Family and Domestic Violence

Call 000 if you are in danger (also see national help lines listed above)

Don’t be afraid to ask if any additional support to your covid hotline after registering. They are there to help you in your time of need.

Do you know of any other support organisations single mums can access? Please comment them below! We will keep adding to the list.

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Where can sick single mums find help? Try these services…

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