The best of the Australian single mum Facebook support group – an inspirational single mum story

I’m having a very proud single mum moment!
A couple of months ago my daughter said she wanted a loft bed, and after much research and having the tools and knowing how to use them I decided I would make one from scratch.

I set about to drawing my own plans and came up with the perfect king single loft bed.
I started buying the wood, nuts ‘n bolts, paint and got the project up and running. It was a long process…watching paint dry, literally!

I built it in my garage and was happy with it, so took it apart and began building it in her bedroom – only to run into some hurdles and needing to make some adjustments (ceiling fan, ladder position, etc).
I finally finished it and was all ready for my daughter sleep in it just moments before bedtime.

I’m so proud that I pulled this off without any help (apart from my daughter helping me get the mattress on).
My daughter is excited to tell her friends “My mum built me a loft bed”!
Who needs a man?? Not me 😁
Miranda Snowball
Single mum, and member of the Australian Single Mum Support Facebook Group.