Who gets the second $750 Centrelink Coronavirus payment?

Centrelink office

Who gets the second 0 Centrelink Coronavirus payment?

Expert Opinion Panel

Jason Bryce – Business & Finance

Why am I missing out of the second $750 economic support payment?

Centrelink Update for single mums

By Jason Bryce

Centrelink office

Most single mums won’t get the second $750 economic support payment this week. And changes to child-care and Parent Pay also impact on mums.

Single parents on Parenting Payment and JobSeeker will miss out on the second $750 economic support payment, even if they got the first $750 payment, back at the beginning of April.

Who will get the second $750 economic stimulus payment?

People currently receiving (on the 10 July 2020) one of these payments, can expect to receive the second $750 economic support payment:

  • Age Pension, Pensioner Concession Card or Seniors Health Card.
  • Carer Payment or Allowance.
  • Disability Support Pension
  • Family Tax Benefit A and B

If you are eligible, the money will be paid in the fortnight starting 13 July 2020 and will be hitting accounts by the 15th July.

Who will NOT get the second $750?

These payments are not eligible for the second $750 economic stimulus payment:

  • Jobseeker/JobKeeper
  • Youth Allowance, Austudy, ABSTUDY
  • Parenting Payment

JobSeeker, youth allowance and Parenting Payment beneficiaries are not receiving the second $750 economic support payment even though they were included int eh first $750 economic support payment.

Why am I missing out on the second $750?

JobSeeker and Parenting Payment people have been getting the coronavirus supplement of $550 per fortnight on top of their normal payments.

Senator Anne Ruston, the Minister for Families and Social Services said five million Aussies will get the second $750 payment at a cost of $3.8 billion.

Anne Ruston, the Minister for Families and Social Services
Anne Ruston, the Minister for Families and Social Services

“This payment is providing additional support to eligible pensioners, families, veterans and concession card holders, who do not get the fortnightly Coronavirus Supplement as part of their current payment.”

The minister responsible for Centrelink services, Stuart Robert, said “if you are living in Australia and getting an eligible payment or concession card on 10 July 2020, you will get this payment automatically.”

“There is no need to do anything to get the second Economic Support Payment,” said Mr Robert.

“If eligible, people will see the $750 payment arrive in their bank account between 15 July and the end of July.”

Jason Bryce

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Jason is an expert business, finance and consumer issues journalist specialising in personal finance, debt, consumer issues and banking, Jason is now based in Melbourne and p worked for ABC TV, News Ltd and plenty of magazines and online publishers. You can keep up to date with the latest Centrelink news and information at Jason’s Facebook page, Centrelink News.
Jason is a proud single dad of three children who are all growing up fast. Follow Jason on Twitter @JasonBryce. Jason’s personal website is www.jasonbryce.comAustralian Single Mum Support Group

Who gets the second 0 Centrelink Coronavirus payment?


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