Centrelink Coronavirus Payment FAQs – what – when – tax – reporting

Centrelink offices

When do I get it? Why can’t I see it? Is it taxable? Should I update my Family Tax Estimate? Here are the answers to your most-asked Centrelink Coronavirus payment questions!

Centrelink offices Coronavirus payment faqs

One thing is for sure right now – if you’re a recipient of the new Morrison Government COVID19 Centrelink payments, you are going to have a lot of questions.

We know, because we get hundreds of questions posted in our Facebook Centrelink and single parent groups everyday!

As if Australian single parents aren’t struggling enough with social distancing, self isolation , home schooling , supermarket abuse and how Coronavirus affects child custody , now they are worrying about the new payments possibly causing them to raise a debt with Centrelink.

We hope that by answering these new but important questions we can help ease your mind, and give you the tools to address any Centrelink tasks you may need. This will assist you in keeping your Centrelink welfare benefits up to date – and worry-free.

Before we begin, here again is our quick-reference table below – use it to help you work out which new COVID-19 Australian Government Centrelink stimulus payments you are eligible for…

CORONAVIRUS COVID19 - who gets the Centrelink $750 and $550 stimulus payments

Common Centrelink Coronavirus payments FAQs

Reporting to Centrelink

Do I need to apply for the new $750 or $550 Coronavirus payments?

No. You don’t need to do anything to get the new Coronavirus stimulus payments. If you are eligible (see the table above), they will automatically be paid to you through Centrelink.

When will the second $750 Economic Support Payment be paid?

The second $750 Centrelink payment will be paid on 10 July 2020.

When will the $550 Coronavirus Supplement be paid?

The Coronavirus Supplement will be paid automatically from April 27 2020.

How long will the Coronavirus Supplement be paid for?

The new $550 supplement will be paid once a fortnight for 6 months.

Why can’t I see the extra $550 Supplement in my next Centrelink payment?

You won’t see the $550 Centrelink supplement applied to your payment total online/in the Centrelink App until April 27. After that date, you should see it.

Is it possible get all three Coronavirus payments if I am receiving Family Tax Benefits?

No. Nobody receives all three new Coronavirus payments.

If you are receiving Family Tax Benefits A and/or B in addition to your ELIGIBLE benefit (for example Jobseeker and Parenting Payment, but not Disability or Carers), the $550 supplement takes precedence, and eliminates the second $750 payment.

If you are receiving Family Tax Benefits only, or in addition to benefits such as Disability or Carers payments (that is, NOT in addition to those benefits eligible for the $550 supplement), then you will get both $750 Centrelink Economic Support Payments , but not the $550 supplement.

Coronavirus mum

Coronavirus Payment Tax FAQs

$750 Economic Support Payments Tax FAQs

Are the two $750 Centrelink Coronavirus payments taxable?

No, the two one-off $750 Economic Support Payments are NOT taxable .

Do I need to report the $750 payments when doing my normal fortnightly income report?


Do I need to add the $750 payments to my Family Income Estimate for FTB (Family Tax Benefit)/Child Care Supplement?


Do I need to include the $750 Economic Support payments in my 2019/2020 Tax Return?


$550 Coronavirus Supplement Tax FAQs

Is the new $550 Coronavirus Supplement taxable?

Yes. The temporary fortnightly $550 Coronavirus Supplement is taxable.

Do I need to report the $550 Coronavirus Supplement payments when doing my normal fortnightly income report?

No. It’s regarded as part of your Centrelink payment.

Do I need to include the $550 Coronavirus Supplement payments to my Family Income Estimate for FTB (Family Tax Benefit)/Child Care Supplement?

Yes, you need to include your Coronavirus Supplement payments in your Family Income Estimate, as it is a part of your taxable income.

Do I need to include the $550 Coronavirus Supplement in my 2019/2020 Tax Return?

Yes. You need to declare your Coronavirus Supplement payments as taxable income in your 2019-2020 financial year tax return.

Single mum working mum

JobKeeper Tax FAQs

Is the new $1,500 JobKeeper Payment taxable?

Yes. The Jobkeeper payment is taxable.

Do I need to report the $1,500  JobKeeper payment when doing my Centrelink  fortnightly income report?

Yes. You need to report the $1500 Jobkeeper payment as part of your Centrelink fortnightly income reporting.

Do I need to include JobKeeper in my Family Income Estimate for FTB (Family Tax Benefit)/Child Care Supplement?

Yes, you need to include your $1,500 JobKeeper payments in your Family Income Estimate, as it is a part of your taxable income.

Do I need to include the $1,500 Jobkeeper payments in my 2019/2020 Tax Return?

Yes. You need to declare your JobKeeper payments as income in your 2019-2020 financial year tax return.

Jobkeeper Centrelink Benefit - photo iStock

Centrelink Reporting FAQs

Do I still need to Report for Newstart or ParentsNext as I normally do?

Yes, income must be reported as normal. Reporting income should not be confused with the currently suspended Mutual Obligations.

Do I need to report the $750 Economic Support payments when doing my normal fortnightly income report?


Do I need to report the $550 Coronavirus Supplement payments when doing my normal fortnightly income report?


Do I need to report the $1,500  JobKeeper payment when doing my Centrelink  fortnightly income report?

Yes. You need to report the $1500 JobKeeper payment as part of your Centrelink fortnightly income reporting.

What do I do if I get an error when I report?

There are several reporting errors appearing in the Centrelink online system. Read our article here to find out how you can Report online immediately .

How long are Jobseeker (Newstart) Mutual Obligations suspended for?

Mutual Obligation requirements are currently suspended until 22 May 2020 (Extended from April 27).

Australian single parent

Australian Government Coronavirus Helpline

Coronavirus helplines

Australian Government Coronavirus Health Information Line: 1800 020 080, 24 hours, 7 days.

For further details regarding all of the above, please go to the Human Services website here .

Singlemum.com.au Staff Writers

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Centrelink Coronavirus Payment FAQs - what - when - tax - reporting

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