Jobseeker, Single Parenting Payment & JobKeeper Reductions – the new rates and dates

Jobseeker and JobKeeper reductions

The next phase of the winding down of government Coronavirus supplements and benefits has been announced

By Singlemum Staff 

  • Jobseeker Coronavirus Supplement extended, but reduced more than half
  • Inc. Parenting Payment Single & others
  • Mutual Obligations recommence
  • JobKeeper extended, reduced and splits into two payments

Jobseeker and JobKeeper reductions

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Treasurer Josh Frydenberg have announced reductions to JobKeeper and Jobseeker Coronavirus Supplements at a Press Conference this morning.

Jobseeker Reductions

The Jobseeker (Parenting Payment Single, and all benefits listed here) Coronavirus Supplement stays at the current rate until 24th September 2020, after which time it reduces and ends at the end of December 2020.

After September 24 2020 the Jobseeker Coronavirus Supplement drops more than half, from $550 to $250. (The Jobseeker total payment reduces from  $1,115 to $815 per fortnight)

The Jobseeker Coronavirus Supplement will end at the end of December 2020.

Check if you are eligible for the Coronavirus Supplement here

PM Scott Morrison told the news conference that Jobseeker will be reviewed again at this time for a possible extension.

The Prime Minister said Jobseeker is “more of a disincentive to the labour market” than JobKeeper, implying that all participants on Jobseeker are choosing it as a financial decision over work, rather than a safety net from poverty due to circumstances preventing adequate employment – as is the case with a large proportion of Australian single mother’s, and other struggling low-income Australians .

No comment on raising the Jobseeker rate

When questioned regarding the inadequate bass rate of Jobseeker and possible permanent increase, Prime Minister Morrison answered that it was “not a matter we’re looking at at the moment”.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison announces Jobseeker Reductions at the Press Conference this morning
Prime Minister Scott Morrison at the Press Conference this morning

Australian single parents have been calling for the Newstart, or Jobseeker, Centrelink benefit to be raised to a more liveable rate since policy changed and single parents were moved from Parenting Payment Single to Newstart (Jobseeker) when their youngest child turns eight.

Mutual Obligations Recommence

Jobseeker receivers income threshold has been increased to $300 per fortnight before it affects their Centrelink benefits.

Mutual obligation recommences from 4th August – 4 job searches per month are required before penalties result.

Jobkeeper Reductions

JobKeeper will be extended another 6 months until the end of March 2021, but at reduced rates.

Jobkeeper stays at the current rate until 28th September 2020, after which time it reduces and splits into two tiers.

From 29 September 2020 until 3 January 2021 JobKeeper reduces to $1200 – for those who were “full time”, or had more than 20 working hours or more per week prior to COVID-19 (four weeks prior to 1 March 2020).

From 29 September 2020 until 3 January 2021 JobKeeper reduces to $750 – for those who were “casual” or “part-time”, or had less than 20 working hours per week on average prior to COVID-19 (four weeks prior to 1 March 2020).

From 4 January 2021 until 28 March 2020, Jobkeeper reduces again to $1000 (full time) and $650 (casual).

Many JobKeeper recipients expected to move to Jobseeker

A large number of JobKeeper recipients are expected to move from JobKeeper to JobSeeker in the coming months, particularly for casuals who may get less money on JobKeeper than Jobseeker.

Carers Payment & Disability Pension single mums

Single mums on Carers Payment and Disability Support Pension were once again overlooked by the Prime Minister. Staff

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Jobseeker, Single Parenting Payment & JobKeeper Reductions - the new rates and dates


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